Contact us

You are always welcome to contact us either by phone or email:

togskinner retter dine tænder


Peter Bangs Vej 7A
2000 Frederiksberg

Phone: 72 10 88 99
Mobile: 22 45 95 99

CVR: 39173786

Public transportation

Public transportation to and from the clinic is as following:

Bus no. 9A

Metro: Fasanvej Station

Opening hours

Monday-Saturday 8:00-16:00

Sunday: Closed

Telephone hours

Monday-friday 8:00-16:00


It is possible to park at Diakonissestiftelsen or along the roads in the area with a valid parking ticket. A parking tickets can be acquired with the parking apps EasyPark or OK.

NB: From 1.10.2023 it is no longer possible to park free of charge within a 2 hour time limit in the municipal of Frederiksberg.

Write to us

If you would like to have a free consultation with one of our specialists to discuss your options in orthodontics, please contact us here.